
Monday 4 January 2010

Welcome 2010!

As people debate over the trivial matter of whether to call the year twenty ten or two thousand and ten, I decide with emphasis that this will be the year to be ultra-organised!

The year didn't start off so well. Malcolm worked nearly all of New Year's Eve. Jonah wouldn't co-operate and refused to sleep at Oma Lulu's house. This called for a retreat back home. Lara woke at in the early hours of the morning vomiting, luckily Mal was at Oma Lulu's house at the time. Last but not least, Malcolm's dad decided to have a DVT.

All that didn't deter us. We left Lara in the capable hands of Oma, sent Malcolm's dad to Concord Hospital and set about the serious business of tidying and organising the Albany household. Our study was like a cave of wonders. So much we filled up our general rubbish bin 5 days before the next collection day, we ooh'ed and ah'ed over various nostalgic items that we had uncovered. We even managed to clear our stairage and put away all our Christmas decorations. I couldn't believe how much we did, ok, how much Malcolm did (I mostly sat and gave directions). We went to bed completely satisfied. Now only our bedroom, the linen cupboard, the laundry, the pantry and the children's bedrooms to go.

Our hardwork was rewarded with the discovery that our Christmas tree which we had dumped unceremoniously on our lawn last night had been neatly chopped up and put in the green bin by the gardener! We were releasing big whoops of joy only to notice that we had forgotten the Christmas wreath. Not to locate the Christmas box to pack it away...where did u put in again?

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