
Sunday 28 March 2010

God is Great

We had an inspiring sermon not so long from our Pastor Mark Powell on prayer. We were moved to do something about our complacency with prayer in general but especially about family time, praying and learning about the Lord together.

We were fortunate enough to have wonderfully efficient elders who promptly supplied excellent resource materials and encouragement from our pastor. We are so grateful to the Lord for giving us the drive and persistence on our quest to be better role models for our children and to provide them with a rich and loving Christian environment.

We have been amazed at how receptive the children have been to our new ritual before bedtime with Elliot often reminding us that we have to do "prayer time". It is so humbling to listen to the children's prayers and to realise just how much they do absorb, but at the same time frightening to realise the responsibility that we have as parents to provide "good things" for them to absorb. We are still struggling a little with Lara's interest and concentration levels but we are hoping that this will gradually improve as she develops a better relationship with Jesus.

Our next challenge will be to include Jonah! One step at a time...

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