
Saturday 2 October 2010

A Berry Beautiful Start

Berry Gaming Convention 2010

The time has come. The Albanys are on a quest to claim the Meeple Cushion. We are ready. Let the games begin!

The Champion's Trophy

We left Sydney at 4pm just in time to beat the long weekend exodus. A decision was made to have dinner at Berry. We chanced upon a certain Dr Tong crossing the road! So we convened at the Berry Hotel. We were joined shortly by the Kohs and the Liews. It couldn't have happened more smoothly if we tried to organize it. Dinner was scrumptious and generous. Some good old country hospitality didn't go astray either!
The convoy proceeded to the cottage we hired for some serious gaming. Much to our delight, the owners seemed to have to sensed our needs and kindly built a separate gaming wing complete with a fireplace. The table was large and wide, and chairs were a plenty. The children were put to bed, so that important business could be attended to. Jason started studying rules for his new game. Malcolm was set the task of starting the fire. I am still unsure as to which "smart" person did the delegation. Mrs Tong commenced baking immediately. The wine bottle was opened, mood music was set, the Nespresso machine warmed up, the board games documented and the first box opened. Ethel had the honour of winning both games played, much to Jason's horror. The Albany assault will just have to start later. Besides we really wanted to lull the others into a false sense of security...

Free flowing wine

The Nespresso ready to go!
Jason slaving away

Over $4000 worth of board games...not including the ones left at home

Good music

A good hand...but not good enough to win!

Malcom's attempt

Belinda's success

Shirley's mini-cheescakes

We awoke to discover the cottage to be a real gem. The view from our room was just beautiful. The cottage is set on beautiful, expansive grounds and has some amazing facilities. It comes complete with a spa, playground, tennis court and bicycles. The children were delighted to be able to collect eggs for breakfast. Chasing the chickens also appeared to be fun.

A room with a view

Instructions for the weekend...Eat, sleep and game

The "backyard"

The "front yard"

The source of our 84g egg

Bicycles supplied by the owner

The playground

The children after collecting eggs
Breakfast was over and done with in a flash. Time is a ticking. The DVD was started and the first game of the day started. Malcolm started his assault by annihilating the field. We were then pleasantly surprised by a skype call from our gaming buddies all the way from London, Ontario. We are already missing Kwan's extremely complicated scoring system.
I shall have to go and start making my mark. My husband has just reminded me that I am not allowed to start my run too late. Duty calls.

The DVD doing its job

The first game of the day

The Yeohs on skype!

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