
Wednesday 10 November 2010

Meet the Adventurers

There will be 5 families involved in this madness.There is our fabulous family of course! And then there is...

Family K

Our “gaming”, “church” as well as “dinner at 530pm” buddies with 3 children whose ages are similar to our children. They are also in for the whole hog! We’ve been on many holidays together but never for 45 days straight! Let’s hope our friendship won’t be tested too hard over this long trip...

Dad – A colleague of Mal’s who enjoys the finer things in life. Let’s hope he survives the non-espresso coffees in the States. He has been assigned to be our Dining Colonel, the one in charge of organizing our ADRs for WDW and for finding restaurants elsewhere.

Mum – A clinically retired medic like me! An amazingly capable woman who always manages to keep all juggling balls in the air.

7 – A high school musical fan and a keen soccer player!

5 – A little girl who is as sharp as a tack. Can’t trick this little one!

2 – The princess lucky enough to have a birthday while we’re at WDW. We will be celebrating in style at Cinderella’s Royal Table.

Family Y
Our other “gaming”, “church” and “dinner at 530pm” buddies. Close friends who have recently moved to Canada for training/work for a year. Unfortunately, because of work commitments, the whole family can only join in for the WDW

Dad – Yet another medic…but of the bone carpentering sort. Our theme-park strategist, he has dutifully created wonderfully complex spreadsheets full of minute details and will be on hand to shepherd us around at WDW.

Mum – The last of the clinically retired medic! One of the main reasons for the whole group going is fulfill our promise to take her to a “Disney Park”. Yes, she has incredibly NEVER been to ANY Disney park EVER! This trip also serves well as reunion of sorts. We would not have seen each other for about 6 months when we meet up in Orlando.

1 – A most precious little boy conceived after years of trying. A real cutie and babbling away non-stop is his current past time. He is on a crash course to survive the nursery on the cruise ship...

Family M
The “older” family and the only non “Drs.” on the trip. They have generously offered to help with the younger children to give the parents a break, thus have a most pivotal role on the journey…The family will be on the New York leg as well from Port Canaveral onwards.

Dad - A fine wine lover and fishing enthusiast

Mum - The mother hen, and the other Disney nut. She will be in for nearly the whole hog except for the Washington DC leg where the whole M clan will head to New Jersey to visit family friends.

21 – A talented “media” person, handy with video, graphics and all things techy.

18 – A hit with the “little” ones, we have high hopes that this will bode well for babysitting opportunities…

Family P
The last family making up our group for the cruise. Also “Drs” but of the dental kind. They will be bringing temporary fillings in case anyone chips their teeth as well as Ultra Carbon in case anyone poisons themselves. They will be doing their own thing but will be joining the rest of the crew for the cruise.

Dad - another coffee connoisseur and also a lover of fine wine.

Mum – A lady who has lost in incredible amount of weight and is now our fashion trendsetter! The woman by the pool looking great in the Monroe-esque 50’s style bathers will be her!

7 – A space enthusiast and lover of the garbage truck. His career of choice until recently had been garbologist much to the horror of his grandmother.

3 – Another dear little girl whose favourite princess is…Daddy!

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