
Thursday 30 December 2010

Dec 15 - MK Mk II

Please insert afore mentioned short cut here. We got up early again for rope drop, this time at the Magic Kingdom. It was warmer but still cold with a predcited high of only 13! However, it was nice and sunny. The Yeohs joined us for breakfast but then attended a special private clinic to get Sam's foot checked out as he was still limping. There was no fracture! They reported VIP treatment which was good to hear. I digress...Rope drop was a spectacular ceremony with songs, dancers, and then characters arriving on the steam train. The children counted down enthusiastically before we made a beeline for Adventureland. It was empty. We walked straight onto Pirates of the Caribbean followed by Aladdin's flying carpet. There was also no line for photos with Aladdin and Jasmine who were all decked out in their winter coats! We then walked onto the Jungle Cruise. The Tiki room was under new management and I was very disappointed with the change. It had lost all its charm and I couldn't sing along the the tune that I loved. However, all in all it was an extremely productive morning!

One of the firsts to be in Adventureland

Let's go on a carpet ride

Trying to take photos of each other
Getting ready to fly

More empty rides

At Tomorrowland, I took the older children into Stitch's Great Escape. The men took the littlies for an early lunch at the Lunching Pad where we had our first hot dogs in America! We met up with Yeohs after their clinic visit and lined up for Speedway. The boys were only 53 inches tall! One short of the requirement for them to be able to drive solo. Andrew insisted that his hair "obeyed" him. However, despite all the scrunching and rearranging, we couldn't make that hair any higher. All that practice with standing with the heels just off the floor also came to no avail! They simply had to share a car.

Our next destination

They came to terms with this fairly quickly withe the knowledge that Space mountain was next. The People Mover was next. I really enjoyed it and was seriously considering going around twice. It was so relaxing. To our surprise, Spaceranger Spin was full. The fastpass line was longer than regular line!!! The others were not appreciative of my suggestion of Carousel of progress. They slept inside while I snoozed outside. My short nap in the sun with Jonah outside of the Merchant of Venus was bliss!

On the people mover
One of the last photos I took before I fell asleep...
I stupidly then asked Malcolm to get an iced coffee float forgetting that they used horrible American style coffee. It was disgusting. But I finally got to eat some churros! After such a long lead up, I was disappointed. It was not how I remembered it to be. The churros in Spain were infinitely better. Even the ones in Melbourne were more delicious. However, it was an opportune time for a snack as the parade was about to start. I still enjoyed it despite the disappointment. Through a stroke of luck, oops I meant genius, we managed to get a prime spot where the parade headed towards us front on before making a turn. We had great views! Again the children oohed and ahhed and clapped. I thought Aladdin was so very handsome I wished I were Jasmine!


Waiting for the parade to start
Look Mum, I can fit through the hole...Daddy said so
The lovely Minnie
Pinocchio dancing away
My handsome Prince...sigh. So annoyed I didn't get a better close up.
Lara's favourite, Belle
After the parade, Splash mountain was a surprise walk on! We then utilised our Big Thunder Mountain Railroad fastpasses before we hopped onto Mickeys railroad back to the front of the park to head home. It was the men's turn for dinner at California Grill at the Contemporary Resort. I fed and put children to sleep, grateful that they succumbed quickly. Rest was paramount for yet another big day tomorrow at the Magic Kingdom with Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. It certianly was nice to be home and in bed by 730pm for a change!

The sign that means that bed is that much closer...

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