
Tuesday 29 March 2011

My Next New Obsession...Digital Scrapbooking

It all started with this...

I wanted to have a special "front" page for my photo book and it frustrated me that I was not able to create anything that worked using the photo book software. I also had a problem of not being to fit in everything that I wanted to capture from our trip. I then remembered the concept of digital scrapbooking and decided to look into it in greater detail. Unfortunately, I became obsessed! I now knew what I wanted and had to learn how to do it. It was rather fortunate that we had purchased ourselves Photoshop CS5 before the trip...A crash course it was. I had one week to utilise the awesome discount being offered for the photo book and I wasn't going to miss it! I downloaded freebies online, bought some digital scrapbooking kits myself, set to work and the page above was born.

I couldn't stop there...I discovered an amazing site called mousescrappers dedicated to scrapbooking all things Disney! I was in heaven. I now have the solution to capturing those special moments at Walt Disney World in a way that I was not able to in my photo book. I was motivated to create a scrapbook of our first trip to WDW as a family. I purchased a voucher for a 12 x 12 photobook that was 40% off (Yes I know... Many things in my life are driven by discounts.) I have until the end of August to complete my new project. But it doesn't end there! I have now scrapbooked Lara's Birthday invite, an announcement for mother's group at church as well as other "precious" moments. There is no stopping this new scrapbooking machine!!!

Next I need to learn how to credit people correctly for their bits and pieces...

My recent announcement at church for Mother's Group

The invite for Lara's Birthday. One of my very first layouts.

The likely front cover for our WDW scrapbook, inspired by a layout posted on Mousescrappers

Some other pages that I've started


  1. There in lies my problem. I have too many things I "need" to do and not enough time. I am usually a minimum 8 hours kinda gal. Recently, I am only getting about 6 and therefore not waking early enough to go for my walks and hence feeling less healthy and so increase my need to feel better by spending time on my "hobbies" and the cycle continues...
