
Thursday 28 April 2011

Easter Escapade

Last Thursday, the troop headed up North to Kincumber for the ICGC (Inaugural Canberra Gaming Convention - ok so which silly person put the "I" in our convention name?!?!?) for a long weekend full of fun playing board games. The venue this year is Cockle Bay House, a 6 bedroom property with an ensuite in each room. It also comes with a pool and tennis court, a bonus for entertaining all 9 children. The weekend this year was also extra long. The Easter holidays conveniently joined up with Anzac day. We were filled with glee at the prospect of 5 days of gaming.

The Albanys were the first to head up to pick up the keys. We took the opportunity to explore the house and the sprawling grounds. Much to our dismay, it was infested with mosquitoes due to the surrounding creeks. It didn't stop the children from enjoying themselves.

One of the creeks behind the house
The children approve
The property
With the arrival of the families, came the arrival of the games. As was tradition, all the games were laid out for a formal photo. To our horror, some games were left out. I wondered if there was some sort of a conspiracy they happen to all be games that I either enjoy or that I do well in, including bananagrams, Portrayal, Once Upon A Tale, Perpetual Commotion...Hmmm!

Perusing from the top. What to start first...
The weekend, as usual, was filled with fun, laughter, good food and good company. We managed to play 49 games in total. My moment of glory had to be winning Le Havre, a new game which took 3 hours to play. It was a a mix of Puerto Rico and Agricola on steroids. Being the intelligent people that we are, we started at 930pm. I was so tired I could barely think. This was probably key for my triumph over the big guns of Sidney, Jason and Ivor.

Dixit, a new word game
The very apt scoring track
Making hay while the sun shines, which didn't happen very often. The porch just beside the pool. The mothers knew better than to go into the water...
...which was freezing!

Saturday was our special theme night. The theme was "Before Christ". The dress was themed, the food was themed and of course the games were themed....I will let the photos do the talking.

The Flintstones
Cavemen everywhere
Here come the Romans

Feeding the emperor
Chromosome. He delighted in teaching the children about telomeres and centromeres
The winner...the Egyptian!

Who would have thought a Fred Flintstone wig could be so versatile?
Justin Bieber anyone?
Making use of the observatory
The classic Ticket To Ride
Cargo Noir, a new favourite
Jason put to work by Ethel
Jonah doing what he does best
Alas, the five days flew past! The time came to announce the new champion...It was a tie! Jason and I were both equally glad to get our names on the meeple. If it were not for my husband requesting that each person should only count their "top 10" wins, I would have won outright! Grr...There is always next year!

The prize pool

Eagerly awaiting the announcement

Picking a prize. This one?
She approves!
My new beautiful family frame
Why did he have to pick ANOTHER sporting set?!?!?

The whole crew...awaiting the return of the Yeohs next year!

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