
Friday 30 September 2011

Glacier National Park Day 2

We had planned to do the walk to Grinell Lake. Unfortunately, the ferries that we planned to take have stopped for the season. No matter, we had a chance to sleep in as a result. We also had the opportunity to watch the trial  of Michael Jackson's physician. Riveting stuff. We didn't leave our rooms until 11am! I should mention here that we managed to find espresso here in the cafe at the lobby! Never mind the fact that Malcolm had to teach the staff member how to make the froth for the coffee...

Our balcony and our view

We drove back to Logan Pass to attempt one of the shorter walks that we could find, a 4.8 round trip trek to the Hidden Lake lookout. We climbed 500 feet in altitude in the process, walking right next to snow. The view at the end of the walk was worth the effort. We continued north in the car toward Many Glacier. By this time, we were all too pooped to get out and walk. Plenty of ogling was done from the car in substitute.

The magnificent view on the way to Logan's Pass

Let's go!

The beginning of the long path ahead...

Pretty scenes along the way


Taking a break. I blame the altitude for my breathlessness

Jonah soldiering on

A lizards sunbaking? Oh...just Lara

Our first glimpse of Hidden Lake

On our way down. Note the lack of rails again


Swiftcurrent Lake at the Many Glacier region

More photos from the comfort of the car

A rather unusual circumstance of us being back in the room before dinner!

Lara wanted her photo taken in front of our fireplace
Malcolm took the opportunity of our early return to go fishing again. Alas, the result remains the same. We had to buy our dinner at the restaurant. I am now drunk on Huckleberry margarita and so will have to retire.

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