
Friday 14 October 2011

Our Last Day At Disneyland

We haven't reached home yet but the post Disney blues has hit already. Feeling so sad that we have to go home tomorrow...

It was a much more relaxed day today. We arrived at Disneyland at 7am again but we were able to go on rides that we love or ones that we haven't already done. We also had the time to browse through all the shops. Being able to have a good look at the Disney artwork was a highlight. I had not taken much notice prior to being introduced to it aboard the Disney cruises, where we were one number off from winning $1000 worth of Disney art!

We had an early lunch so we could return to our rooms for a nap. The long hours of the past two days had taken its toll. I don't know how I survived the marathon that was Walt Disney World back in December 2010! We had a chance to swim in the hotel pool before going back into the park for the last time. It was a heavy heart that I walked out with, knowing that it will be at least one full year, if not more, before we are able to visit another Disney Park. I will end this post with some photos from our day today.

Jonah LOVES this ride. He went on it 3 times today

I can drive Mum

Another family favourite, Autopia

She's a hoon!

Convinced Lara to go on this. Not sure that she enjoyed it...

She was much happier here

My new time piece that I bought at Downtown Disney last night

One of my favourites...the Dapper Dans!

Lara rewarded with balloons (and many other goodies) for getting lost walking between the lobby to our room. Still not sure how she managed to do this.

The view from right outside our room

Swimming at the pool

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