
Saturday 3 December 2011

Seek And Ye Shall Find

Today, we returned to our ancestral home in preparation for the upcoming demolition. We had to sort out 22 years worth of treasures that was sitting in the garage of the house, and my brother and his family had to move out. Many things have happened after my last post made on the house more than one year ago! State legislation repeals, class actions, council woes, and town planner incompetence just to name a few. Most importantly though, after all that drama, we have D.A approval! So the home that we have grown up in will be demolished before Christmas and hopefully building of the new homes will commence in February next year.

A piece of land around 2000m2 that somehow could not meet council's subdivision requirements...go figure.

The backyard...

...but wait...there's more!

The garage was FILLED right to the door with boxes. My parents had done a good job sorting through half the boxes over the past couple of weeks. Today was the last day we had to go through the rest before my parents leave on yet another overseas trip. It was a nice family day, full of fun, food and reminiscing, especially with discoveries of long forgotten letters and photographs.

A tired mother who can't wait to fly away!

Boxes to be sorted...2 more rooms of it next to the garage! appears that some were just moved to the garage next door 

The children had a blast finding "treasures"

Children looking after each other while the adults worked.

My parents kept Ikea catalogues from 1983...

Trival pursuit lah!

The library book that banned Malcolm from Willoughby library...

...due date was 15 Dec 1999!

More treasures...our long lost wedding certificate!

Jonah was determined to get the trolley from  house number 3 to house number 5

Darn! Stairs too hard

I know! Walk down the grass

Until it is even with the driveway

Then walk back up

See Mum! That's how you do it!

Asked the children to decorate the "tree" with decorations we wanted to throw out in a bid to get them out of our hair!

Lara had no problems

But Jonah couldn't reach

So he decorated twigs on the ground instead!


  1. If you happen to stumble across the old score of the Sound of Music, or our old choir music let me know!

  2. I was actually thinking about that! Will now have to sort through the boxes that my parents transported next door...I found some great photos of us at high school though!!!!

  3. And the book that had "anything you can do, I can do better" in it.
