
Thursday 19 April 2012

Update Time

You know what it means when I update my blog...we are going on a holiday! Yes the time has come. Tomorrow, the Albanys will be heading for the gaming convention and I will be trying to defend the championship.

But before I can blog about that, the anal person inside of me is niggling me to give an update of events since...January! GASP!!!!

So here goes...

House Matters
The old ancestral home has been demolised much to the sadness of the oldies. However, much to our frustration, the new has yet to be started. The good thing is that we get to more time to save up...

Goodbye old house
Birthdays Galore
Happy Birthday to myself, Malcolm and Lara!

Let's take a family photo! Oops...forgot the birthday girl

My awesome birthday presents...Snow white ipad decal! along with a seven dwarves iphone case

Most precious card from Lara! One of three...

A pair of lose more calories shoes from Malcolm. Is that a hint?!?!?

Redeemed himself with a bargain of a shirt!

Yet another special gift. A disney share! Yes I am now officially a Disney shareholder (along with Malcolm)!
Au Pair Affairs
We farewelled Heather, our wonderful American au pair, and welcomed a french au pair. Due to unfortunate circumstance, we had to give her notice. She has since left and we are awaiting the arrival of our very first Canadian au pair. In the meantime, we have also found an amazing au pair for Jan 2013~Will keep you update!

Easter Break
What a great time to reflect upon what an amazing thing God has done for us through Jesus Christ. A great time spent with family and friends!

Family golf day. Never too young to start.

Action packed day. BBQ with friends at the Armoury

Gaming practice. The countdown begins as revisions begin in earnest!
A New Beast
Yes the big red tomato is no longer...We now have a new silver CX9 with number plate to match. CEO!

A New Job
With impeccable timing, I have scored myself a new job just as we lost childcare...

New Beginnings
Jonah has begun piano and swimming lessons much to his mother's dismay. Life is just that little bit harder...On a positive note, we managed to get ALL three children in the same timeslot for swimming lessons. Woohoo!!!

Trivia Specialists
We won the jackpot...all $650 worth! And tonight, we won, earning ourselves a $75 bistro voucher. Go the Fruitloops!


  1. Just catching up on your blog! Looks like you had great time in Bali, especially in the shopping and food department! We got a new CX9 last week, do you love yours? I am loving mine so far. Hope you all had great birthdays and congrats on the new job.

  2. Thanks for dropping by Mony! Hope you are adjusting to life post holidays :)

    We LOVE our CX9! Hoping you're still loving yours too.
