
Wednesday 17 October 2012

An Au Pair Comes To Visit

Alex, our third au pair
We recently had the pleasure of meeting up again with Alex, one of our previous au pairs. I received a message saying that she was here and would love to catch up!

Alex came to Australia from Hamburg, Germany, over three years ago to help our family. Jonah was only 8 months old at the time and Lara and Elliot 4 and 6 respectively. How time flies! While she was here, she developed a relationship with an Australian young lad which is ongoing and so we've had the opportunity to see her again a few times since. It must have been the week for past au pairs I've also received beautiful messages and emails from Heather and Shannon!

We had a lovely evening. We had time to explore the Rocks before dinner and discovered parts that we had never seen before! After dinner, we went for another walk hoping to get a closer look at the Radiance Of The Seas that was docked at the International Passenger Terminal. Alas, she had sailed off. We left Alex to enjoy the rest of her 10 days here with Jay before we meet up again in December, this time in Paris. Surprisingly, she has never been! It will be fun exploring the city together. At least she can speak some French...

That little opening looks interesting...

Let's practice our stair climbing in preparation for all the buildings and structures that we're planning to climb in Europe!

It didn't take long for a little some to get "tired"

The view that we were rewarded at the top

A pretty alley way that we found and had never come across!

We discovered that it had been preserved from way back when...

Things you learn! I never knew that Hickson Rd was not the original shoreline

The Wharfs and buildings right on the waterfront are now hot property having been converted to apartments and restaurants

Our restaurant for the evening, Indonesian cuisine

One my favourite dishes, squid with green chilli

The best and only way to have satay...Indonesian style!

Our view from our table. Ah one day...

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