
Sunday 19 January 2014

Hello Disneyland!

After a week long fun on the mega ship, we bid farewell to our beloved stateroom and headed to the airport for our flight to Los Angeles. It was also time to part with my parents as they continued on their journey in LA with family friends and we head to our beloved Disneyland in Anaheim. We thought we'd try a private shuttle from LAX which included a pick up at the luggage carousel as the price was not much more than for the usual shuttles. It was well worth the extra! After a long day of travel, it was so nice having someone there waiting for you and helping you with the luggage to the van. The van was clean and we didn't have to wait/share it with anyone else.

Goodbye ship! Our last photo on our balcony

Waiting at the enormous Atlanta Airport!
Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth. The post cruise blues and sadness from parting with the grandparents dissipated as soon as we walked through those beautiful doors of the Grand Californian! This time around we are staying in a one bedroom villa. The generous amount of space in villa was a pleasant surprise! We dumped our bag and headed into the parks. By this time, it was 8pm. We had lost Jonah for the day but we were starving.

We headed for Disney's Californian Adventures straight for Carsland. Flo's V8 cafe seemed like a reasonable choice and we wolfed down our dinner. I was too tired to even note down what we ate or document the evidence. We took a moment to enjoy the neon lights down the main strip of Carsland before heading back to our villa to crash...

Hello Grand Californian!

Tired after a whole day of travel

Our one bedroom villa
We're finally here!

A treat from Flo's V8 cafe

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