
Monday 29 June 2015

All Is Lost

The theme for the day was "Lost".

We farewelled the Wonder with great sadness not knowing if or when we'd go on another Disney cruise. For the first time in forever, we did not rebook onboard! The disembarkation process was smooth and easy. We picked up our rental Dodge Caravan and it was with great relief that all our suitcases fit in the boot...with space to spare! The picturesque route to Whistler made the journey seem quick. It was only when we got there did we realise that Grandpa had accidentally picked up the wrong bag and left their bag back at the port!

We rang the port authority and finally got through to a Disney agent. We were told that they would look for it and contact us again sometime today. There was not much more that we could do so we walked to the village for lunch. Boy was it hot! We bought groceries to last us for the next two days. One thing that we noticed was that there were Australians working everywhere! This would explain the vegemite scrolls in the grocery store.

Nana decided to walk back to the hotel to keep Grandpa company. Grandpa was horrified when we returned without Nana. It turned out that she somehow managed to get lost walking the short distance to the hotel and had circled round the whole village!

Loading up our Dodge Caravan at the port

Aava Hotel, our base at Whistler

After being couped up in cabin we didn't know what to do with all this space...A living room...

A kitchen and dining area...

2 huge King bedrooms...

Whistler Village
The hotel offered free bicycles for use and so Malcolm convinced the family to go cycling through the trails around the Whistler area. A ride to Lost Lakes should only take 40 minutes...the man said. We ended up cycling for nearly 3 hours!!! Lost at Lost Lakes...As beautiful as the scenery was with lakes, rivers, mountains, and woodpeckers, it was a struggle to motivate Jonah (and myself) to push through to reach the hotel! Fortunately we had the use of a complimentary Gopro to document our extended adventures.

When we returned to the hotel nearly dead, we discovered that Grandpa had received word from Disney. They had found Grandpa's bag. Unfortunately, as per protocol, the bag had to go back on the Wonder and is going around Alaska for another week! It will then travel to Florida before being shipped home to Sydney! In the meantime, a Disney rep will be at the airport to meet up with Nana and Grandpa to pick up the bag that wasn't theirs and return it to its rightful owner. Fortunately Disney will be doing this all for free! Thank you Disney! Your customer service is indeed second to none.

With everyone either exhausted mentally or physically, no one was in the mood for a long dinner. So pizza it was before heading home to sleep.

Bikes ready

Gopro ready. Little did we know what was ahead of us...


One of the exhausted children

A gigantic pizza to share!

Tired but still smiling!

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