
Saturday 24 December 2016


SUN...the next thing that the family wanted to kiss. After seemingly days of grey skies, wind or rain...we were greeted with sunny blue skies. We loved Picton already! The group split up. Those who managed to palm off their young children went on a kayaking and walking tour. We reconvened for a picnic lunch before returning to enjoy the ship's facilities. Did I already mention that we really missed the sun? Yay sun!

I guess timber is an important industry here!

Sunglasses = sun!

Ready to hit the water!

The gorgeous harbour

We looked uncoordinated but we weren't really. Dwarfed by the ship in the background...

Time for a walk!

Our walking track

Jonah loved it!

Kiwi rehabilitation

Beautiful views from the top

Family photo with blue skies!

One of the many man made nests to help the birds

Hard to see but there is a chick in there! Spotted by Jonah

Summer blooms

Time for lunch

Like seagulls at the fishmarket. It was chaos!

Sun means warm enough for ice-cream!

It is almost like we have never seen the sun before...


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