
Monday 25 December 2017

Merry Christmas From Cuba!

Buon Natale from Trinidad, Cuba! Malcolm braved a haircut for the festivities! Our lazy morning started at 1030am when we strolled to where our Cuban Christmas lunch was to be. Yoanis talked us through Cuban cuisine as we watched our lunch being prepared in front of us. Prior to lunch being ready, we had a short window to hunt for wifi to send Christmas love back home. We had bought a wifi card for 1 CUC per hour. Unfortunately, we were not able to connect to the wifi network and had to abandon the plan.

Our lunch was a feast of a variety of meats including whole snapper, lobster, prawns, chicken, and roasted pork with sides of rice and beans, cassava, sweet potato chips, deep fried banana, greens and bread. To finish the meal off, we were served rice pudding with papaya.

Watching our lunch being prepared

Cooking the seafood


Merry Chistmas!

Our bellies full, we ambled back to our casas. Some napped, some played games and others went out shopping! We visited the handicraft market but unfortunately, they were all starting to pack up for the day. So we decided to slowly walk towards our restaurant for dinner. En route, we came across the Fortuna Café. Yoanis had recommended this café as having the best coffee in Trinidad. How could we not enter? The café had a quirky décor with money dangling off the roof and a bathtub as a seat! The coffee WAS excellent!

A second attempt to connect to wifi failed yet again…We couldn’t even connect to the network let along log in to use the credit. We were not sure if the others all around us glued to their phones had the same problem?

Dinner was at Restaurant San Jose. The servings were ginormous! If we had known, we could have shared meals. The olds continued on shopping and the youngs with seemingly less stamina headed back to the casas.
Still many horses in use

Walking around town

Damn you wi-fi!

Cafe fortuna with currencies from all over the world stuck on the ceiling

quirky decor

Sure I'll sit in a bath tub while drinking coffee

Amazing iced coffee. Honey was used as the sweetener

The restaurant that we couldn't get into the night before!

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