
Thursday 4 January 2018

Grand Cayman

Hot breakfast was included in our rate. Judging by how quickly the food was inhaled, one might have thought we had not been fed for months. We were only in Cuba for 13 days but the same offerings day in day out had obviously taken its toll! Waffles, cereals, bagels, apple juice (yes simple apple and not guava or pineapple) now seemed like a luxury. At least the children could now really appreciate good food and a comfortable bed!

The hotel washing machine and dryer got a work out with all our clothes. With our full complement of clean apparel ready for our upcoming cruise, the family set off to explore the island of Grand Cayman. Starting from the North side, we worked our way from Rum Point in a clockwise direction back toward Seven Mile Beach. 

Our 9 seater van

Maps ready. Let's drive!

Pfft! We got this!

Starfish Point

There's one!

Rum Point

Davinoff's concrete garden. There was parking for one car...

Giant concrete crab...
Lunch deserved a special mention. It was recommended by the concierge to have great fried fish and when we arrived at the "blue building next to a petrol station" there was no one there. We were not even sure that it was open. However, we spotted a counter where there was a woman. She took our order and turned out to be the cook as well. Our lunch was one of the best meals ever! The fried snapper, prawns and lobster tails were absolutely delicious, as were the fritters (or what we knew as Festival when we had it in Jamaica). The setting of tables under the shade of coconut tress right by the water helped as well!

When driving from Georgetown and you see this, stop!

Look for this building and order some food

About 5m down you see this!

Apparently one can play on the phone on a coconut tree

Jonah content to hunt for treasures

His coral find

Obviously a very relaxing stop!

Food is here!

Amazing food

The blowhole. Unfortunately we weren't there at quite the right time

Our last stop was Spot's Beach. It was meant to be where we were able to swim with wild turtles. Unfortunately for us, the wind and choppy weather meant that the cruise ships which usually docked on the other side of the island were anchored right where we were! All three of them!!! The constant to and fro of the tenders meant there was no chance of sighting a turtles. It was a shame as the man selling coconuts assured us that it was usually pretty easy to spot them. Grrr....although we couldn't get too angry as we were going to be on one shortly....

The swim in the warm and clear Caribbean waters was still a good way to end our day. The swim tiring most of the group. Dinner was across the road at Coconut Joe's and the food was again surprisingly delicious! Fish tacos, jerk chicken wrap and buffalo wings. Mmmmm

We were supposed to swim with turtles

Darn you cruise ships!

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