
Sunday 30 December 2018


It was time to move to move on to Botswana today. Unfortunately, it was a shaky start to the day. There’s a bit of a rant so skip forward if you wish…

 We had moved our transfer time to 0830 from 1115 to so we didn’t waste the morning at Victoria Falls. After waiting for 30 minutes, we discovered that Wild Horizons (the company &Beyond booked the transfers with) had our pick-up time wrong and thought we were to be picked up at 930. After a few phone calls, we were seemingly on our way at 0915. The driver made a phone call to make sure that the driver and van on the Botswana side was ready. We arrived at the Zimbabwe-Botswana border crossing where our driver instructed us on where to go. The border crossing between Zimbabwe and Botswana was quick and seamless. Going through the Zimbabwean side merely involved a stamping of passports after which we walked through no man’s land. Once there we and our luggage got into the Botswana side van where a new driver awaited us. He drove us 1 minute to the Botswana immigration checkpoint. We had to exit the van, and go into the immigration building where we were asked a few simple questions, had our passports stamped and we were off. The only unusual thing of note was that we had to walk through a tray of what looked like rags wet with dirty water…apparently that disinfected our shoes. The hardest part of the crossing was trying to quieten the children’s protests of having to put their feet in something that looked even dirtier than the surrounding ground and their questions of how that could possibly achieve anything! We hopped back into our van and the drive continued on to Kasane Airport where we were supposed to be picked up by the Muchenje Lodge vehicle. We arrived at the airport at 1045. There was a lot of frantic conversations and phone calls as we waited patiently in the van. 15 minutes later, we were told that somehow Muchenje Lodge had us slated at arriving at 1220. Not happy Jan. The van was scheduled to take other passengers who were also getting irate waiting in the hot parking lot while we waited in the cool van. At one stage it looked like we may have been left at the airport to fend for ourselves. In the end, we were taken to Marina Lodge where we waited and were given complimentary drinks and wifi for the inconvenience. On the positives, the view of the Chobe River was beautiful. At 12:15 we were taken back to Kasane Airport where the Muchenje Lodge vans were waiting for us.
If one had to be "stuck" this was not a bad place to wait...The beautiful Chobe River

Waiting for lunch at Muchenje Lodge

One of our chalets

Superior excited to see a loft!

With 2 beds to choose from!

Our second bathroom

&Beyond have to vet their contractors more carefully. The drive to Muchenje Lodge took another hour. By the time we were checked in and had lunch it was 1:30pm! In the scheme of things, these were minor setbacks but the reason we paid a premium price with &Beyond was because of their reputation as one of the best providers of a luxury African experience. We did not pay to get stressed in a foreign country. Ok rant over…

With the minor dramas behind us, we set out for the first safari drive in Chobe National Park which turned out to be absolutely amazing. On our way in, our guide, Ali, spotted a baby zebra which had been recently killed. He commented on the lion tracks and said that she would return later in the evening to eat. True to his word, on our way out of the park, she was there feeding on her kill. Prior to that we finally saw big herds of elephants, lots of them! There were also It was so pleasant being in a green environment, seeing the same animals in a different in a tropical savannah rather than in a desert gave them a different look!  The lush environment also meant that numbers were big. Giraffes, zebras, impalas, kudus, buffalos were in big numbers.

The lush tropical savanna

So much space!

Have you ever seen a giraffe drink?

A VERY big water monitor lizard

A mother looking on with baby nursing

Cheeky little baboon

Elephants! So many of them

We got quite close to them!

Leopard tortoise

As the sun was setting, we came across the lioness rolling around with zebra carcass to the left

She started to drag her kill and proceeded to eat

Photo courtesy of Euhan

The spotted hyena

I neglected to mention that the reason we chose Chobe was that Chobe National Park has the world’s largest concentration of elephants. It was nice to tick off the last of our big 5! Chobe National Park also has a bigger number and variety of animals compared to the more popular Okavango Delta. As we were short of time (and funds!) our planner suggested Chobe to get more bang for our buck considering that it was not the ideal time to visit the Okavango Delta.

Dinner at Muchenje Lodge was done in a communal style with 2 big tables. The owners and guides joined us for dinner which was actually very nice and gave us an opportunity to get to know them as well as other guests better. The food was simple home style cooking with lots of vegetables served buffet style. It was somewhat of a relief not to feel pressured to overeat because it was all inclusive! We retired early as we had a big day ahead of us.

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