
Sunday 23 December 2018

Ongava Lodge

Paved roads! The Romans were certainly on to something there, but we didn’t truly appreciate their innovation until today. After days of the Namibian massage we found ourselves heading northeast on 250km of brand new bitumen complete with road markings. Perhaps we shouldn’t be complaining so much given that we were in a 4WD hilux as opposed to a chariot, but it sure was nice to travel at 120km per hour and arrive at Ongava Lodge shortly after 11. Lunch was an unusual combination of pasta and game kebabs which worked surprisingly well. The ice cream didn’t work so well as it was half melted 30 seconds after exciting the freezer. Still… no such thing as bad ice cream when the temperature was at least 35 degrees, right?

Warthog sign! Then we saw a baby warthog. Not quick enough again with the camera...

Ongava Lodge is at the southwestern end of Etosha National Park, just outside the gates. We were met by a guard at the gate of Ongava Reserve, given directions and instructed to remain in our vehicle until staff arrived as there were lions in the vicinity. For a “stop over” venue it is still pretty amazing complete with a “hide” near the water hole and mosquito netted four posted beds. There are these Dassie creatures that are all over the place and too brazen to move off the path. They are like a cross between rats and possums. They seem to stare at our sandal exposed toes like wile e coyote visualising roast bird while staring at the road runner.

Today the rains finally came. The temperature dropped immediately. The locals were relieved and the animals certainly needed it. Secretly we were worried that they would no longer come to the water holes. We’ll just have to look harder! The children were unfortunately not old enough to partake in the lodge organised game drives so we will be DIYing the game drive ourselves tomorrow….Lord help us. For the rest of today, it was simply enjoying the rain, scoffing down yummy afternoon tea and playing board games.

I guess it can get cold in this place if there is a fireplace...

Our adjoining rooms

Emergency socks and undies washing run

These creatures are EVERYWHERE! It could almost be a horror movie

Have we mentioned it was hot?!?!?

Engrossed in his book unperturbed by the heat

The pool is always calling 

Rain. The first of the season. The winds picked up, lightning came and the staff asked us to stop swimming

Boardgames instead then!

The well positioned "hide" for a better and closer view of the water hole

A pleasant surprise in the evening came in the form of two black rhinos who mosied on to the water hole just as we sat down for dinner. We were informed earlier that any movements between the rooms and the common areas between 8pm and 6am would need to be escorted. They weren’t joking. A guide took us back to our room armed with a shotgun….

Its dinner time!

Another place, another gorgeous landscape. So nice to see some green

Two black rhinos! Sorry only had the phone camera!

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