
Friday 14 December 2018

Table Mountain

It was time to visit Cape Town's iconic landmark, Table Mountain. Conveniently, the red route of the HOHO bus took us the base station of the cable car. Pleas of hiking the 2.5 hour trail up the mountain were soundly ignored. The cable car had an ingenious rotating platform so that the guests took turns enjoying the vista and having the opportunity to take their snaps. In less than 5 minutes, we had reached the top.

Complaints of hunger had us seeking food. Fortunately there was a cafe which served a variety of offerings. Pizza was perhaps not the healthiest option...neither was wasabi chips! We had to defend our food from the native birds akin to protecting our chips from seagulls when at the fish markets at home...the waitstaff kindly flicked tea towels at approaching birds whilst we wolfed down the rest of our food.

There was a selection of hikes to do at the top varying from 15-45 minutes. Somehow we managed to end up on the 45 minute trail even though we thought we were on a shorter one. On our trek we saw many people do the silliest things like standing ridiculously close to the edge...

Prime seats at the front of the bus

Going up Table Mountain

The view looking back down towards the city

Cafe and shop at the top

Views looking south

Views back towards the city

Time for a selfie!

No Disney magic photos here...

Budding photographers!

Some of the photos by the children

Guess who took these ones...

They look almost the same

Free burgers at the Hard Rock Cafe!
On the way back to the waterfront, we stopped at Camps Bay, Cape Town's equivalent of Bondi Beach. The plan to swim was swiftly abandoned upon testing of the water temperature. We soon found out that the temperatures were always a cool 8-12 degrees celcius due to the currents! When Lara deemed it too cold, it must have felt cold. She reported that it hurt to be in the water for too long...Lunch was taken care of at the nearby Hard Rock Cafe where our city pass gave us free burgers! For a free burger, it was rather tasty! The view wasn't too bad either...

The view towards Camps Bay from our table

Hmmm....not sure this sign is encouraging!

Tried the water temperature. Too cold!
Our abandoned beach activity gave us some down time laundry! With a limited wardrobe, we had to wash whilst we had the facilities to do so. We hunted for dinner at the V&A food market where there was a variety of street food stands. I guess it was an upmarket hawker centre. We opted to go for Asian with a selection Poke bowls, Taiwanese tea and a donut. Alright so the last wasn't so Asian but it was satisfying!

Royal Tea

Lychee tea with cream cheese foam!

The largest donut in the world...

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