
Wednesday 16 December 2020

Byron Bay Day 3

Today we had a seven am breakfast booked so didn't tackle any "wellness" activities. We decided that retail therapy may be just as effective. The local crop of outlets at Habitat came with the Ming Loh seal of approval so we decided to check them out. Just about every item at every store had its origins fully documented. You could shop here and know more about the history of your lip balm than your family tree. Some things were a little wacky and way overpriced (like a $300 camoflague jumpsuit) and some were actually quite nice and even good value. Jonah and Cameron scored two pairs of shoes each and I scored a pair of "plant based" vegan scratchproof completely biodegradable sunglasses. Just what every girl needs. Fortunately, the rain stayed away and I was given an opportunity to use them. We dashed back to grab the kids and made use of our complementary solar train ticket into town. The train ride is actually a much nicer way to into town as it avoids the increasing busy single lane road and the need to find a parking spot. They might need to find an extra carriage come January!

We did a little more shopping with Fiona and Lara adding to the plunder before we gave up and visited the Poke bowl shop that we had spotted earlier in the week. We felt like good parents making the kids eat some green stuff and headed back as the weather changed again.

Never thought I would be one rocking vegan sunglasses

Steve and his purchases

The solar train

Apparently not that popular yet. Lots of seats

We could spread out in comfort

It was bright enough to wear sunglasess!

Let's have something green for lunch!

Very colourful poke bowls!

Service was a little dicey though...

Redeeming our discounted smoothies

Steve encouraged us to give the adult pool a go. It is amazing the difference that an extra three degrees of water temperature can make! Even with restrictions lifting we were allowed to swim up to the bar, but couldn't sit on the in-pool bar stools. Instead had to drift away to a safe distance to drink them. It wasn't a problem, of course, but was just another one of those things that just feels a little strange.

Dinner was at Bang Bang, a funky thai restaurant. The food was generally good although a touch on the sweet side and portion sizes somewhat small for the price. The service was passable, and rated as passable as no self respecting "Asian" restaurant wouldn't have white rice on the ready! We were told the dishes will just come when they are ready...umm...not white rice. They should have 4 giant rice cookers on rotation in the kitchen! The ambience was nice though and we did enjoy our meal.

Stay tuned for the next instalment of...will it rain or not in Byron Bay...

Time for the adult pool!

Sticky pork belly


Coconut sago

Malcolm's selfie attempt was so bad the waitress offered to take a photo for us

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