
Wednesday 9 December 2020

Caves Beach

The amazingly beautiful and fun Caves Beach at low tide

Disaster struck this morning. Elliot accidentally dropped a bottle whilst taking out milk for breakfast. We watched in horror as our precious home-made lemon myrtle infused gin, a Christmas gift from our friend Heather, splashed across the kitchen tiles...NO!!!! Not the gin!!! We had to move on from our grief, between us we had many other bottles of alcohol to get through.

It was a relatively late start for an Albany day. We ambled down to the water at 0830am. We wanted to maximise our time to explore the caves that are only accessible at low tide. It was a 900m walk to the caves that gave Cave Beach its name. Surprisingly there were very few people around. We occasionally bumped into locals walking their dogs or surfers but that was it. We had grand plans to walk to Pinny Beach and then back up to Hams Beach but none of those eventuated After exploring Caves Beach, the children were keen to get into the water and so into the Ocean it was. Boogey boards and flippers usage...tick!

An early morning visitor. Jonahs says it is a blue tongued lizard

Making our way down to the beach

Hams Beach to the left

Caves Beach to the right 

The child who did not want sand in his shoes and refused to wear sandals...

Rocks are exposed at low tide. As you can see, now one here but us....this was at 9am

The entrance to the "caves" and the rockpools and beach beyond

The other side

Caves Beach

The kids had a blast exploring

There were rocks to climb

Rockpools to look in

Still now one else but us here! We only saw one other family...

We left just a schoolbus of kids arrived. We started our walk to Pinny Beach but never made it there...

The very efficient and organised Fiona!

Boogey board...tick! Flippers...tick!

Everyone's jaws dropped at this sight. Elliot made it into the water!!!

It didn't take long for the hordes to get hungry. We drove to Swansea for a looksee and for lunch. There wasn't much...As it was Wednesday, we couldn't take up the Tight Ass Tuesdays deal at the Swansea Hotel. So we opted for pies and sausage rolls. We cleaned out the pie lady in one swoop. She had to put more goods in the oven. The Asian in us couldn't walk past Magic Noodles without making a purchase. The black pepper beef didn't disappoint!

We drove to the nearby Swansea Bay to eat lunch. More chairs, picnic rugs, frisbee golf. We were on a roll. 

Who would have thought being on a beach the whole morning could be so exhausting. My supposed short power nap became a prolonged siesta. The Ongs were obviously not as prone to afternoon somnolence. They powered on with cricket (another tick!) and a swim in the resort pool.

How can one resist this?!?

Time to eat! We relegated ourselves to the children's table... we can use the camp chair...tick!

These 2 meanwhile had their own romantic picnic...rug tick!

Fi had taken on the role of dining colonel for this trip, but we may need to promote her to admiral after seeing what's lined up. For the next two nights she has lined up the Belmont 16s Boat Shed Bar dinner bargains - Bro Burger night on Wednesday and Wing Bucket night on Thursday. The adults had to join the club for $8 to be eligible, but it was certainly worth it. We had a smorgasboard of on-tap craft beers to choose from and then scored a gourmet "Bro Burger" for $8! The burgers were quality and big enought to need a stick in them to keep them all together. There was trivia available at 730pm, but the kids were flagging so we opted for Jackbox games (a tick for the PS4!) and chocolate back at our base. Even after late night coffee and our siesta we slept like logs.

Return tomorrow for 1kg wings...

Who doesn't love a bargain! Craft beers and gourmet burgers

Southern friend chicken burger. Let's clog some arteries

PS4 for the win post dinner. Tick!

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