
Tuesday 12 January 2021

Bermagui and Bateman's Bay

Kangaroos in suburbia. I'm not sure which is worse...wild rabbits, bush turkeys or kangaroos!

A whole mob at the local park

We left our idyllic southern-most base early to start our journey back up north. The plan was to catch the morning light to take some good photos at Bermagui. However we were distracted by a line outside a bakery. Surely a long line early in the morning in an otherwise small sleepy seaside town must mean there was something worth lining up for. Our inner FOMO was brought out and we joined the line at Honorbread. That was how we chanced upon possibly the best cinnamon buns ever. This was a big call considering the quality of other cinnamon scrolls throughout Sydney. You'll have to make the drive south and make your own judgement!

Horse Head Rock had been on the "to photograph" list for a while. A serious photographer would not have let breakfast get in the way of a good photo. A serious photographer would have also made the effort to walk all the way down to the beach from the cliffside once on site to get the best possible shot. I am obviously not a serious photographer! I blame my injuries and the fact that I was wearing designer crocs...

Bermagui Blue Pool. The grey skies made the photo rather dull instead of its usual sparkling blue

Cinnamon buns from Honorbread

Also yummy but we couldn't pronounce it...Kardemummabullar. We shall call it...Swedish cardamom bun

The trail from Camel Rock carpark to Horse Head Rock

Horse Head Rock, so called because it looked like a horse drinking water

We made stops en route to Dalmeny lunch with Aunty Mary, Mystery Bay and Australia Rock. Lunch with Malcolm's aunt was lovely - mainly for the company. We had some simple cafe food then dropped by her place for a while to meet her dog, feed her dog some treats and show off the cinnamon buns in return. Aunty Mary has joined the Honorbread fan club! She explained that Australia Rock has grown to look more like Australia over time as people fiddle with the rock and erode it. She also raised an eyebrow at our claim that Tathra oysters were the best. Apparently Narooma folk are very proud of their produce!

Having linked up with Mal's parents we headed to our new home for the next few days, Surf Beach. The house is a short stroll from the pretty local beach, but to our horror we discovered that the wifi had not been connected as promised (a sort of promise anyway) and uber eats did not service the area. Talk about roughing it! The house is a duplex. Next door has been glammed up and is on the market. Our half is a bit unfinished with an unpainted front door and no shelves in the bedroom cupboards. On the bright side it is clean and spacious and new. Each child got their own bedroom which was bonus! We settled in for the evening and made plans for tomorrow which promises to be a return to normal Australian summer weather. We are planning our siesta already!

Mystery Bay


Australia Rock

Milo milkshake. A very large drink for only $5!!

A very satisfying steak sandwich

Meeting up with nana, grandpa and Aunty Mary

Our new base for the next few nights

Surf Beach

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