
Saturday 5 February 2022

Kayaks, Bees and Golf

We were literally on the go the whole day today. Being on the move helped somewhat to fit more food in but only just...

Even the fresh juices were fancy. I chose watermelon and roseberry, Mal chose beetroot and ginger

His favourite breakfast Mal declares. Poached eggs and avocado on toast with pistachio dukkha and mango. Big call!

Perhaps foolish, I chose the ramen. It was alright without being great.

Kayaking and birdwatching was again only with 4 guests

Water and towels were provided

Our guide only does kayak tours

Lots of birdlife. The area is one of a family of protected areas worldwide for migratory birds

I know I said I would minimise my food posts...but lunch was so fabulous I had to include the photos! Octopus, chorizo and saffron

Grilled kingfish with asian style salad

One of my favourite desserts. Simple but so tasty and a great combo. Cherry sorbet with pistachio brittle

We literally had just enough time to freshen up post kayak and have lunch before it was time to go to a bee and honey experience. The apiarist Rob was hilarious with awful bee jokes

One of us is not fond of bees and the other petrified of flying insects...but we donned our bee suits! It was included, and definitely blog worthy!

So the man who does not like flying insects was chosen to smoke the bees 😂. The anaesthetist was disappointed to discover that the gas does not send the bees to sleep or make them drowsy. It just hides the warning scent produced by the guard bees.

Rob went through everything bee related. Jonah would have loved this

He found a queen bee for us. Can you spot her? Hint - she's the floozy who has a huge abdomen filled with the "genetic code" of  many, many male bees.

A Tasmanian Devil decided to make an appearance!

At the end of the bee tour was honey tasting! Complete with Tasmanian apple ciders, or other drink of choice. Our shoes which were left back at the resort had also magically appeared spaced out ready for us to derobe

Never knew such a scale existed! Something about this feels a bit like a Bristol stool chart...

Trying fresh honeycomb

accompanied by cheeses, apples and crackers from the kitchen. The honey even made blue cheese taste good(ish)

As soon as we were done with honeys and bees, we were off to golf. The resort had organised our car to be at reception for us complete with golf clubs loaded and green fees sorted out. Too easy!

By this of day, the serious golfers had left and we had the whole course to ourselves. It made for a very quick 9 holes of golf

We came back to get showered and dressed for dinner to find afternoon tea in our room which we didn't have time to eat!!!

Mal trying to use all "reading" spaces at least once!

Today's cocktail of the day

Random things keep appearing as soon as you sit down...dukkah coated popcorn

Mal's choice - pineapple, chilli, tequila, and pepperberry

A non-alcoholic grapefruit based drink for me

canapes tonight

The stars for dinner tonight were the scallops

and trevalla

A lovely touch on dessert :)

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