
Monday 26 December 2022

Happy Birthday Elliot!

Still semi full from yesterday's overindulgence, we struggled to get through the generous breakfast that was included. Our buttocks had recovered sufficiently from our previous cycling excursion and so another e-bike tour it was! Many attractions in Bergamo were still closed on account of the holidays and so we had to sightsee what was free or outdoors. Fortunately for our behinds and quadriceps, this e-bike tour was much easier and more relaxing than the one at Lake Maggiore. The children declared that it was nowhere near as exciting as our Lake Maggiore e-bike tour, but that the good lunch more than made up for it. 

Our guide, Franco, was great despite limited English. We never felt unsafe or uncomfortable on the roads and he travelled at a comfortable speed. He covered vineyards and the more rural areas including Monastero di Astino, a cycle through of the Citta bassa with a brief walking stop, highlights of the Citta alta which we had not already visited, as well as the peak of Bergamo, San Vigilio, where we had our final stop. Lunch at Relais San Vigilio for Elliot's 20th birthday. We did not realise how fancy the restaurant was. It seemed like we make a habit of being underdressed. They had kindly seated us at the special chef's table knowing it was Elliot's birthday despite us being all in cycling gear. The food was excellent.

Initially we thought...was that it?!

Then this came

Followed by this

Was not game to take photos or videos while cycling so this is from our first stop!

Chiesa del Santo Sepolcro attached to the old monastery (Monastero di Astino)

Inside the chapel

The monastery dining room had its own Last Supper! This one by Alessandro Allori painted in the 1500s just left there unguarded...

The Monastery had a photography exhibition of vintage photos from around the world. It was actually very good!

The monastery grounds. Popular in summer. Now an events venue

The centre of citta bassa. Should probably mention that Bergamo was roughly in 2 halves the older medieval walled town of citta alta (also higher hence the name) and the newer and lower citta bassa

Donizetti Theatre

One of the 4 gates to enter citta alta, Porta San Lorenzo. You can also see the Venetian wall system either side

Rocca at the citta alta

Views of the valley below

From San Vigilio looking back down to citta alta. You can see all the bell towers

Chef's table!

Complimentary drink. So good but couldn't remember what it was


Duck ravioli with black truffle and parmesan broth

These 2 got the special angus steak

From Spain of all places...

Great view of the kitchen

Best gelato ever. Chamomile gelato!

San Vigilio

Franco, our great guide, who the kids thought looked a mix between Rafael Nadal and Lord Farquaad from Shrek

Dinner at the hotel restaurant was simple, but good quality. We voted it as having the best margherita pizza so far. To make it more enjoyable, it was served by a guy who looked like Tony Soprano, was bursting the seams of his apron and seemed to love life and his job. Fortunately, they were able to book a maxi-taxi for early the next morning that was prepared to negotiate the narrow streets of the old city. Two full days was just right.

Birthday meal #2 at Da Mimmo

Pretending to be an angel

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