
Wednesday 11 January 2023

Last Day In The Dolomites

Not much to report on today. Jonah and I relaxed. Mal, Elliot and Lara enjoyed the last day on the slopes on the fun park, racing each other on the slalom course and timing themselves. Manuela had organised for our skis to be picked up from our hotel so we didn't have to do anything else other than leave our gear in the ski room. She popped in to say goodbye around dinner time which was a nice gesture. 

Our adventures in the Dolomites certainly was an experience. Going from chairlift to chairlift and skiing down different slopes to get to a new destination each day was not something that we had done before and to be honest, not something we were sure we could do. SO glad to be proven wrong! Some of the rifugios were destinations in themselves. The rooms were all comfortable and the food excellent. Manuela had done a great job picking them. Our guide Luca, was superb. He managed our varying ski levels and never made us feel out of our depth. He also had to contend with difficult conditions at times (high wind, closed lifts) and adjusted accordingly. For example on the last day when lifts were closed due to wind, we had to take a road transfer to bypass the closures. Between Manuela and Luca, they had efficiently had a backup van in anticipation from the weather report overnight. Many people were scrambling at the bottom of the lifts trying to find a cab but we had one ready to go when we arrived at the bottom of the mountain. It was the little things like this that made us appreciate using a travel agent and a mountain guide. 

Manuela is amazing and gave a truly personalised service. She only organises a set number of trips each year and stops taking clients when she is full so she is not overstretched. We fully endorse her services.  Let her know you got her details from me.

I told her our total budget and she worked within that. Our package included all transfers, ski and sledge rentals, guide, luggage transfers, accommodation and half board so we could have freedom to lunch wherever we happened to be. You can cut costs if you DIY without a guide and carry your own backpacks to the rifugios.

Last but not least, the Dolomites are just breathtaking!! A little sad that we had to leave but other places are calling!

Beautiful sunrise from our room

Going on a winter walk

Looking down into the valley

Great dessert to end our dining adventures in the dolomites! Fried apple rings with cinnamon batter. Yumm!

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