
Friday 5 January 2024

Beer Anyone?


When in Munich...

It was a bright and early start. 0620 pick up for our flight to Munich. This was the last of our flights where we had to stick to a 23 kg limit per bag and we scraped through with some fancy redistribution efforts. Security was busy but the lines flowed quickly. Other than some turbulence, our flight to Munich was uneventful. Luggage did take a while to come out.

We took the S-bahn direct from the airport to a station directly under our hotel. We chose the hotel primarily because of this, as well as the fact that there was a car rental company (Sixt) located on site. From the hotel, it was also only a very short and easy S-bahn ride to München Hbf where our train bound for Frankfurt at the end of our stay would depart from. Luckily for us, the hotel also happened to be a Hilton. Hurray!

For those family of 5s out there, it is a rare time to rejoice for there is a travel ticket here made for 5! The group ticket allows for up to 5 adult travellers. We bought a day ticket to cover our airport train as well as for our sightseeing for the rest of the day.

The plane to take us from Barcelona to Munich

Taking the S-bahn from the airport

Lots of space

Our Hilton room

Jonah had made a request to visit two museums (yes a child who loves museums!) and so we obliged. We decided to tackle one today and one tomorrow to spare our neurons too much activity.  First up was the Deutsches Museum, the museum for science and technology. It was very large and reasonably crowded as Jan 6 was a public holiday. The museum had great content which was vast and diverse but the experience was more akin to reading an encyclopaedia rather than fun and interactive but I survived! It was somewhat of a role reversal where the parent wanted to quit and the child to persist! It did help with my step count for the day which was important because the calories expended would need to be significant to account for the calories to be consumed.

We hopped on a bus towards Marienplatz, the main square in the old town of Munich. What better thing to do as tourist in the cold and rain then to have dinner at Hofbräuhaus. Yes it was touristy and yes you could probably get better food elsewhere but it was convenient, warm, and fun. How could you not be happy listening to the tuba belt out the bass notes on the oom pah pah tunes? The group next to us wearing their Lederhosen outfit completed the ambience. Plus the shared seating meant we got to converse with interesting table mates! First a family from the Ukraine, who tried so hard to communicate with us, then a couple from Sweden who had driven 15 hours with their 2 huskies Kaiser and Freya. The food itself was hearty, delicious and we completed our photo ops with 1L mugs of beer. Tick!

The picture they used to lure me in...the sneaky bastards!

Jonah seemed to know the significance of the various models in display but I had lost interest by then...

I stopped to take a rest at the "bridge" section, to watch a 6 minute snippet on home lol. All types of bridges you could possibly imagine was on display

The free seating area of Hofbräuhaus

Ok ok so I cheated. This was 1L of Radler, beer mixed with sprite or better known as a shandy

We were so happy to see the pretzel woman you'd think we'd not had bread before. There was much regret not ALSO purchasing the cheese pretzel

Sugar donut - Bavarian style

Looks a little gross but was tasty!

Part of the old town in the evening

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