
Saturday, 1 November 2014

Swine Shenanigans

A story of a swine feast in pictures, one that took days of preparation...

The clam shell purchased especially for the pig, not for sand or water, much to the disappointment of the children

Coke bottles took a while to collect, but was done with pleasure!

The tool box came out. Things must be serious

A family affair. Extension cords needed to be untangled

The custom made, engineer designed sprocket

There was no shame in using child labour

The all important water wheel coming together

Because we are all about OH&S. Swimming goggles as protection. Tick

Time for action

Cutting to length

Attaching the water vessels

Shouldn't move...

The swine arrives! And fits into its temporary home

Back up help has been called upon. Peel 46 cloves of garlic please

The swine gets a rub...

...before being injected with the garlic citrus secret juice

Time to assemble the spit

This is when we're glad mum and dad has so much junk lying around...

Oma is here to tell us how it's done

The day has come. The potato trays are in place. Coal going in.

Poking the pig

Securing it

The anaesthetist could be a surgeon too

Final touches

Setting up the water-wheel mechanism

The pig turns!!!
The ingenious contraption using the power of recycled water!

The pig is done. Enough to feed 25 people for a few days!

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