
Saturday 24 August 2024

Naps In Naples

Unfortunately that summed up our day in Naples. Thus this post will be the briefest of briefs. 

We sadly had to farewell our agriturismo and new friends to head back to Naples. We were dropped off at Napoli Centrale, where it was a short walk to Five Rooms Napoli, our lodging for the night. It was an easy walk to the station, reasonably priced, had a lift, with clean and comfortable rooms and it came with good air-conditioning. All the ticks. Luckily for us, our room was ready by the time we arrived at 11:30am!

Today the heat had returned with a vengeance. The lungs were protesting with my asthma flaring up. Plans to explore Naples were abandoned and we took the opportunity to enjoy our rest day in our comfortably cool room. Tomorrow we would begin our journey north to begin the next round of activities...

I will miss having my breakfast to this view

The last time I will enjoy this view whilst going up and down the stairs

The common area of Five Rooms Napoli

Our room

Very BIG bathroom

Grey doors are the entrance to the building

Last minute goodbyes to our friends

Besides we had to try the pistacchio McFlurry!

The outdoor sitting area. I drank my coke here in the heat just to take this photo...the sacrifice

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