
Thursday 15 September 2011


A trip to Canberra was the last thing I needed but a work conference calls and so I might as well make the most of it. A night's sleep in a king sized bed with no little ones crawling in...bring it on! Besides, how could I resist the call of a hotel buffet breakfast?!?!
Is that my plane?!?!?

And so I organised myself and the children as best I could and headed to the airport for the flight to the nation's capitol. My jaw dropped in disbelief when I saw the plane. A little thing with 2 propellers...I felt like my destination should be a tropical island getaway. I was fortunate that my stomach urged me to purchase some Hungry Jacks before I boarded the plane as all we were offered was a small savoury muffin (delicious though), a small cherry ripe and some mints. To be fair, there wasn't much time on the 45 min flight for more. As the flight was so bumpy there was no hot drinks service either.

I did make it to Canberra in one piece and the lovely Ms Shuttergirl from the DISboards was waiting patiently for me at the lobby of the hotel. It was so lovely to meet her in person, so vibrant and full of life! The hour whizzed past as we chatted about all things Disney and non Disney. Unfortunately, she had to go and so we said our goodbyes. I also forgot to take a photo! Doh...
My lovely room with my lovely bed

My beloved Disney suitcase

My new Epiphanie camera bag. Don't tell Malcolm I'm eyeing the Kelly Moore ones now...

I was grateful for the opportunity of an afternoon nap before the gala dinner. My throat was sore and I was severely sleep deprived from too many late nights. The gala dinner was surprisingly fun. The theme was carnival so the children will be spoiled with many, many small toys that others have kindly donated to me! The food was quite good as well.

I shall end this post here in an effort to go to bed at a reasonable time!

1 comment:

  1. That camera bag is divine! I also can't believe you me up with Ms Shuttergirl and there is no photo!
