
Sunday 11 September 2011

Fete Accompli

The Albanys had a mission to be at Macquarie University by 8am today. As part of the University's annual open day, Mia Mia, a childcare centre attached to the Institute for Early Childhood Education was running a fete to showcase their facilities and to raise money. We were rostered on to set up for the book stall. Alas we failed. We didn't wake up early enough so we had to detour enroute in a hurry via the Vietnamese bakery to purchase our breakfast and coffee. Freshly baked bacon and cheese bread never tasted so good!

I was ready to take photos only to realise that I had forgotten to load an SD card into the DSLR. Elliot and Lara were delighted to return to the scene of their toddlerhood. With their help, the books were set up in no time. We had the advantage of having first pick at the excellent selection of books at an excellent price! The prize buy had to be "The Wonky Donkey". The included CD with a sung version of the book seemed to highly amuse the children (Malcolm included). As we rushed off to take Lara to her ballet lesson, we hurried bought some raffle tickets as part of our fund raising effort. Thus turned out to be an inspired move. We later discovered that we had won one of the hampers! And the hamper was filled with many, many goodies...

A reconstructed hamper. The children were too quick to dismantle before a photo could be taken.

Lara's motivation for dismantling the hamper

Malcolm's motivation...

Coffee beans


One for Mummy!

More gourmet goodies

Something for Jonah

The goodies continue! 1 free term of swimming lessons. 

$200 Photography voucher

Last but not tickets!

Malcolm had declared the hour that Lara was at ballet lesson to be Family Ball Sport time. So the rest of the family trooped to nearby Pymble Park to bowl, bat and catch. We were thankful to have received a lunch invitation at Mum's, complete with almond pudding and pancakes for dessert. Mmmmm. We had to go home to do some preparation for our upcoming trips to Canberra, to church camp and to America. Dinner was going to be a Costco red prawn curry at the Kohs', so we fed the children some McDonalds beforehand. The evening was a fun and enjoyable session of gaming. We were able to play Space Alert multiple times. So despite the tiredness, it is with great satisfaction that I am finishing off this post at 1:30 am in the morning. Off to sleep now for another early start and busy day tomorrow! Will aim to update this post with photos taken with the ipad and photos of Space Alert tomorrow.

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