
Monday 5 September 2011

The Great Hiatus

Until yesterday, this blog had sadly been neglected again for nearly three months. My list of excuses is rather long so I won't even go there. I would, however, like to give a special thanks to a very kind and patient friend who helped me revamp the blog whilst on holidays! Let's get to to business and start with the updates. In chronological order...

The Great Bushwalk
It was supposed to be the start of the Albany love for walking, in preparation for our National Park driving holiday in the US. We had purchased 2 books on the great bush and coastal walks in Sydney's National Parks. Malcolm chose the Mueller track, a walk graded easy set in the Ku-ring-gai National Park. I had pictures of boardwalks in my head but it was not to be! Four hours later, after manoeuvring through some pretty dense bush and tough terrain, we were still walking! Panic was slowly creeping in as we neared the Park's closing time. It then started to rain...

The children, including Jonah, coped surprisingly well. Jonah walked all the way without being carried. We treated ourselves to all things chocolate at Max Brenner's on the way home. We headed home to bathe the children and chaos broke out upon the discovery of a leech and a tick on Lara. Screams broke out from all. Lara was in hysterics and Elliot refused to get into the bath for fear of the tick jumping on to him from Lara. None of them ever want to go on a bush walk again.

It all started well...

Happily posing

"This is fun mum!" Famous last words

Photo op on a rocky ledge
A New Bahari
In late June, Brian and Asha welcomed Alysa into the great Bahari clan. I was delighted to become an aunt to a very cute little girl! It appears that everytime I near the shops whether physical or online, I end up making a purchase!

Alysa Sophie Bahari

Lara's First Lost Tooth
As with everything Lara, it happened with much drama. We had to inform her that the tooth fairy doesn't exist as we misplaced the tooth...Her response: "ok"

A Christening
We were very privileged to be witness to a dear friend proclaiming Jesus to be her saviour. Sue Lynn chose to do this in winter in a body of water at Linley Point Reserve. We will let the photos do the talking.

Family and friends dry upon the jetty

Getting ready...

Down she goes!

The deed is done the water safe?
Birthday Boy #1
Brian celebrated multiple milestones in year. In addition to being a father, he turned a big 3-0! It was a simple celebration with family and friends sharing good food. Happy Birthday Brian!

The Completed Project
The skirt is finished! Now onto the next project, a jacket and skirt set for Lara...

Birthday Boy #2 and #3
On the 20th of August, we celebrated more birthdays! The baby of the family turned 21 and the patriach of the family turned 65.

Yes that's Lara asleep upright against the chair?!?!
Return Of The Nits
Enough said.

Soccer Champions
A big congratulations to Elliot's under-9s soccer team, who won the grand final in a nail biting 1-nil finish. They won with a golden goal in extra time and beat a team that destroyed them 13-1 in the first round!

The run-on side awaiting kick off

The winning moment!

Waiting for the presentation 

Elliot chosen as spokesperson orated beautifully

The cheer squad!
Birthday Boy #4
Malcolm's father also turned 65! Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of the birthday here is a photo from the BBQ, one of Jonah impersonating Angry Birds...
Angry bird


  1. I have been checking your blog twice a week for 3 months, knowing that finally this day would come. But now, too many comments to make! Thanks for the baptism pics, I like the jetty shots. Poor Lara, she must be the juiciest of the family. The skirt looks great, I have a dress in similar colours. But my favourite shot has to be Angry Bird. So angry.

  2. Thanks Slynn for the comments and for reminding me to give you a copy of the photos! By the way I will be getting baptised in a water hole as well at church camp in 2 weekends time. Hope it will be warm...

  3. Poor Lara. While I've never suffered from a leech or tick I am the juiciest of them all to mozzies. As much as I love wetlands....mozzies see me coming and dig in :-(
    I have returned though. Bush mans mozzie repellant found at camping stores is a godsend. Not to mention my friend phenergen..........for when they do find me......

    Love the 'is this water safe'
    I did the much preferred baptism as a baby with water just poured over the head. We Catholics don't like dunkings.....hehe....

    Take care and have an amazing holiday!
