Wednesday 28 August 2024

Canyoning & Rafting

Rafting with our awesome guide Karl (at the back)

We were excited yet had some reservations about today's canyoning and rafting, namely to do with temperature. How cold would the water be? Would we freeze?! We woke up to much colder temperatures than where we had been in Italy previously necessitating an outer layer. For some reason, it seemed everyone was ready to have breakfast right on 0730...must be a German thing. Our packed lunch was also ready! Walter, punctual as always, was waiting for us to depart at 0815 sharp to take us to Campo Tures where the base of our water activities was located. 

Excellent breakfast offering

We managed to "fight" our way to the food

Cold meats and cheese

Dolomites apple juice!

First up, canyoning. We squeezed into a wetsuit, water socks, water shoes, water jacket, a harness and a helmet, and drove about 15 minutes to Lappago where we would be canyoning. By now, we were boiling. We joked about having to bungee down the 47m bridge before realising that we were actually going to be be dropped now. My biggest fear was falling whilst trying to climb over the railing...Serena and I made it over safely and once Serena let go of her death grip on the railing, we screamed our way down. 

Canyoning certainly did push me past my comfort zone...again! There were many "slides" down waterfalls which looked more like freefalls, and we really had to trust our guide when he said "Go". And who have thought I would be peer-pressured into jumping off an 8m waterfall. Kids...don't do this without mum! Our guide, Daniel, was awesome by the way!

We got a rest in the sun while we waited for afternoon rafting activity. Rafting was a whole different kind of enjoyable, and tiring!! Our 2 guides were full of life and so much fun and made the journey down the river memorable. There were passenger swaps, water fights, free floats down the river, water fall exploration and much more. By now, we were loving the feel of the water because paddling was hard work. 7 degrees felt deliciously cooling! We finished right on 4:30pm exhausted. Our car was waiting to whisk us back to our hotel.

I lament at my broken team sunnies with the tragedy occuring whilst napping

Resulting in ridiculous poses to keep the sunnies on the face

Don't hit the rock on the right he says. Don't hit the rock on the left. Sheesh!!

well done team!

Well deserved break!

Our simple but tasty lunch. The box at the back is an apple strudel. Mmm

The kids trying the slack line. Apparently the technique is to wiggle your fingers while holding your arms up in the air

We decided to try Manuela's suggestion of Weißes Lamm for dinner and it was a good call. They were fully booked until midnight!!! Luckily we were early and they probably took pity on the chumps who thought they could just turn up and get a table...They did give us a table but told us that they needed the table by 8pm. 2 hours to eat!?! No problems! We were Asian after all! It was a good meal and a good way to nourish the body for our hike tomorrow!

Reservations needed!

It was lovely inside

But we go this table lol. Just grateful that they let us in!

Venison, polenta and mushrooms

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