Sunday 11 August 2024

Off To Italy...Again

If it seems like I have an infatuation with Italy, it is because I do! There is something about being in Italy that I love. This time around, it will just be Lara and I. Here is to us not killing each other over the next four weeks...This trip will see us going to Puglia, going on a G Adventures Living Like A Local tour in Amalfi as well as hiking in the Dolomites.

Just the 2 of us! Still smiling...for now

This trip is also a timely and much needed break. Since embarking on my travel business, I have unfortunately suffered with anxiety, to the point where I have needed to hit the pause button temporarily on the business. The thought of anything to do with travel had become a source of stress rather than bringing joy, a clear signal that things were not right. It was time to take stock and re-evaluate how best to reapproach the business. Most importantly, I wanted to re-discover what made me love travel in the first place. I'm hoping that this trip would re-ignite that spark.

Sydney airport on a Sunday at 5:37am had no lines...on anything. Browsing through the airport with a 19 year old girl without her brothers was interesting and educational. I clearly did not know a lot of things. The flight from Sydney to Singapore was also uneventful. There was NO ONE at immigration. We walked straight through, dropped our hand-carry and set out to look for Oma and Opa who only gave us vague descriptions as to their whereabouts.

Apparently really cool sunglasses brand. Who knew. I guess Raybans were yesterday's news

We sniffed and sprayed so many perfumes (I was the unfortunate reject strip holder) that my hands and pocket became a smelly mess very quickly

Singapore Airlines lounge closed for much needed refurbishment so the Air NZ lounge it was. Food was meh but space was excellent

A good selfie only has half your face

Smoked salmon

Asian comfort food. Teochew style rice porridge

Chicken fried rice

We finally found Oma and Opa and they had dutifully bought us kalamansi juice, durian ice kachang as well as chicken rice for Lara. After unsuccessfully trying to use Grab, Zip and Uber, we bussed our way to SunTec City for the remainder of our time outside the airport, although the bus ride did give us a free 15 min tour of Changi airport...T3 bus stop, to T1 bus stop, to T2 bus stop, then bus driver change and finally T4! The highlight of the day was my mother making me jay walk (IN SINGAPORE where one gets fined for it!) and leaving my very slow walking father to fend for his own life against the oncoming speeding taxi. Who is this woman?! Well we all made it across the road in one piece and ate bak kut teh, my favourite. It was lovely way to spend time in Singapore before our connecting flight to Milan. 

I'm typing this up in the lounge as we wait to board. Fingers crossed for another uneventful flight. Will post again once we arrive in Italy!

We found the T3 slide, if the line wasn't so long we would have gone on it to slide down to B2 to look for my parents

What we missed out on

They were somewhere on this level!

Found them! With kalamansi juice and durian ice kachang

soursop ice

Chicken rice

They know the public transport system like the back of their hand

Um...I'm sure she has enough claw clips but yup we buying some more

Yass!!! Bak Kut Teh

Getting my Asian food fix in before 4 weeks of Italian food

Barley drink

Thank you Singapore for a short and sweet excursion. Singapore flag cake in the lounge as it was the National Day on Aug 9!

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